Settings reference

As seen in the Configuration document, pas provides a global Settings object which can be populated by loading directives from different sources.

pas provides a set of default configuration directives (explained in detail below). All of these settings can be modified (and new directives added) by overriding them in the environment-specific file.

The pas command line tool automatically loads these directives at startup and then, once read the --settings command line options, will load the environment-specific settings file letting it override the already defined values or adding new ones (for example for your Custom subcommands).

The syntax of the settings file is simple: each uppercase public (not starting with an underscore) member is set as an attribute of the global Settings object.


Capture filter to use with the tshark command line tool when running a new measure. Note that this is different from the display filter directive (and also uses a different syntax).

The capture filters page on the wireshark wiki provides more informations about this specific syntax.

The default filter captures all TCP traffic excluding ssh connections on the default port (22).


List of external directories to scan for additional commands. Refer to the Custom subcommands document for more information about the creation and use of custom commands.


Display filters to use with the tshark command line tool when converting the measures to xml. Note that this is different from the capture filter directive (and also uses a different syntax).

The display filters page on the wireshark wiki provides more informations about this specific syntax.

The default filter actually does not filter anything (all non tcp traffic is already filtered out by the capture filter) but provides a good starting point for advanced tcp filtering.


It is considered good practice to move as much filtering as possible to the capture phase. Sadly the capture filters don’t offer the powerful filtering expressions which are indeed possible using the display filters syntax.


A mapping of role names to interfaces. A measure will be started for each interface of each machine of a given role. The pas.conf.map_interfaces() function provides an easy way to create a list of (hostname, interfaces) tuples.


List of path to log files on the remote host which have to be copied along with the measures during the collect phase.

The paths are copied using a simple cp command, it is thus possible to use shell variables and substitutions pattern therein.


The pas.commands.jobmgr.start command deletes these files each time it is executed.


General path configuration. Contains a mapping between symbolic path name (i.e. test-cases) to a tuple of its local (i.e. cases) and remote (i.e. /share/test-cases) equivalent.

With the exception of the local-meaures entry, these path are all shared using the Vagrantfile config.vm.share_folder directive.


This settings directive is available mainly to centralize the path configuration and is not meant to be modified. Override these values only if you are sure of what you are doing.


A mapping of role names to IP addresses. The roles are defined as follows:


Guest machines running a jobmgr instance configured as a master node. The job managers on these machines are started before and stopped after the job managers on slave machines.

Normally these machines run a job manager configured with 0 available object slots, in order to delegate parallel objects execution to slaves.

Guest machines running a jobmgr instance configured as a slave node. The job managers on these machines are started after and stopped before the job managers on master machines.
Machines on which the measure case if first started.


An IP address can appear more than one time in different roles. For example, a master node can also be a client (this is the default for newly created environments).


Delay to introduce between slave jobmgr shutdown and master jobmgr shutdown, in seconds.


Delay to introduce between master jobmgr startup and slave jobmgr startup, in seconds.


Password to use to connect to a remote machine through ssh, is only used if publickey authentication is not available or if it fails.


Username to use to connect to a remote machine through ssh.

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