Advanced usageΒΆ

This section is intended for users which have already well understood the basic concepts presented in the first part of the documentation and are willing to customize a given testing environment to fulfill special needs.

By personalizing the environment using the directives presented in this chapter, the pas tool as to be seen more as a framework for than as a command line tool as the internals are much more exposed and it is possible to interact directly with the basic building blocks of the same library used by the built-in commands.

Four main arguments are presented in this chapter:

  1. The creation of subcommands allows to add arbitrary commands to the pas utility by loading them from different locations and is described in the first section;
  2. The description of the python POP Parsing Domain Specific Language allows to create new complex types and defines classes to perform payload decoding of custom developed POP objects. This argument is treated in the second section;
  3. The third section introduces the assumptions the pas tool makes about the guest system and indicates therefore how a real machine has to be configured to being able to interact with the pas tool;
  4. By describing how to add and configure additional virtual machines, the understanding of the fourth section will let you create complex setups with different virtual machines and running measures on them.

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