Complex VM setupsΒΆ

The standard configuration provides a master-salve virtual machine setup with two virtual machines. It is clearly possible to add many more machines to a test environment and the task is made very easy by the means provided by the vagrant tool.

The process of adding a new virtual machine to the system is a 3-step process:

  1. Configure the new virtual machine inside the Vagrantfile by following the vagrant documentation or simply by copying one of the existing configuration blocks inside the Vagrantfile, like the one presented in the following code snippet:

    config.vm.define :slaveX do |slaveX_config| ""
       slaveX_config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
          chef.cookbooks_path = "conf/chef/cookbooks"
          chef.roles_path = "conf/chef/roles"
          chef.add_role "slave"
          chef.json.merge!({:popc => {:version => "popc_1.3.1beta_xdr",}})


    If you opt for the copy and past approach, remember to change the IP address and the name of the new virtual machine.

  2. Boot up and provision the newly created virtual machine. To do so, simply run:

    $ vagrant up
  3. Add the IP of the newly created virtual machine to the ROLES settings directive inside the environment specific settings file:

    ROLES = {
        'master': [''],
        'client': [''],
        'slaves': ['', ''],

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